tiistai 21. syyskuuta 2010

Miksi Suomen valtio kouluttaa liikaa insinöörejä?

Taloussanomien mukaan Suomessa aloittaa insinöörin opinnot 8000-10000 nuorta ja vuosittain valmistuu 4000 uutta insinööriä. Siis opintonsa keskeyttää noin puolet.

Kommentti: Opetusministeri Virkkunen voisi paneutua insinöörikoulutuksen ylikapasiteettiin ja vetää asiasta johtopäätökset, jotka ovat seuraavat: Insinöörien koulutuspaikkoja on syytä vähentää 20-40 prosenttia.

1 kommentti:

  1. Thanks for serving my life and restoring happiness to my heart.
    Special regards to Dr. Odey Abang of African, who prepare for me the medicine that made use and got me ride of my HSV2. I'm so happy, full of joy and courage when I spoke with Dr. Odey Abang,the great herbalist. I got diagnosed and suffered from HSV2 for 9 months. It was lots of stress thinking knowing the danger involves taking and living on drugs. I was left with no option than to search for ways of getting rid of it,then I saw blogs and comments of testimonies saying Dr. Odey Abang,got them cured of the virus, I feel like crazy and was confident with faith to try with Dr. Odey.
    It was my first time to have such a distance relationship and it happens to be for cure.
    I explained to him politely and truthfully all
    he wanted to know,and requested for the cures , which he prepared and sent through the DHL, I'm glad I'm free now and sounds,no symptoms nor any virus could be detect on me
    If you're interested in getting his email address
    You can contact him directly@


    His cures are very effective,no site effects with active immune boosters.
    He cures all including
    Diabetes mellitus
    Love sperck
    Kidney failure
    Heart failure
    Cartridge removal
    Low spam count
    Week erection
    Poor ejaculation
    Irregular and painful mesturation
    Painful bleeding
    Vergina discharge
    Phone number WhatsApp
