torstai 26. heinäkuuta 2012

Pussy Riot Releases Letter From Jail

VIa The other Russia

It’s possible that many people are seeing our behavior as impudence and insolence. It is not.
We are in a desperate situation, the kind where it’s difficult to remain aloof.
It’s been heartwarming to hear of those who are supporting us during this process, but the harshness and rudeness of our opponents is hard to understand even now. Either way, we want to express our gratitude towards the people who have been understanding and merciful, and call both sides to dialogue, not mutual condemnation.
We’d like to stress that we do not support violence, we have no grudges against anyone, our laughter is in some sense laughter through tears, and our sarcasm is a reaction to judicial lawlessness.
We ask both our defenders and those who are accusing us to be tactful, as painful and difficult as this may be.
Y. Samutsevich
N. Tolokonnikova
M. Alyokhina
Pussy Riot

Kommentti: On uskomatonta, että Venäjä haluaa pitää nämnä nuoret artistit tutkintovakeudessa yli puoli vuotta.
Selvästi he ovat poliittisia vankeja, koska he musiikissaan kritisoivat presidentti Putinia.,

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