sunnuntai 21. syyskuuta 2008

Amerikan luottokriisi

Paul Krugman kirjoittaa 18.10.08 NYTimes:ssa USA:n luotto-ongelmista ( R free).

Huomio kiintyi seuraavaan lauseeseen:
"We don’t know yet what that “comprehensive approach” will look like. There have been hopeful comparisons to the financial rescue the Swedish government carried out in the early 1990s, a rescue that involved a temporary public takeover of a large part of the country’s financial system. It’s not clear, however, whether policy makers in Washington are prepared to exert a comparable degree of control. And if they aren’t, this could turn into the wrong kind of rescue — a bailout of stockholders as well as the market, in effect rescuing the financial industry from the consequences of its own greed.

Furthermore, even a well-designed rescue would cost a lot of money. The Swedish government laid out 4 percent of G.D.P., which in our case would be a cool $600 billion — although the final burden to Swedish taxpayers was much less, because the government was eventually able to sell off the assets it had acquired, in some cases at a handsome profit."

Siis : Onnistuiko Ruotsin valtio junailemaan kriisin valtionbudjetin kannalta voitollisesti kun Suomen valtio onnistui polttamaan huomattavai summia veronmaksajien rahoja ( ts. valtio lahjoitti veronmaksajien rahaa yksityisille rahoituslaitoksille). Siinä sivussa Ruotsi osti halvalla Suomen SYP:n.

Via William J Polley

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